Thursday, December 15, 2011

.....And two became three!!

I swore I wouldn't put up a "slimy" pic of Walker, but it's all we've got at the moment.  We are so proud!

Walker Ryan Leonard
7 pounds, 13 ounces
19 inches 

Mom and Walker are both doing well. Currently, Walker is with the NICU team being evaluated. According to NICU nurse everything is "so far so good." 

We'll keep you updated. Please keep the prayers coming! 
We arrived at the hospital yesterday evening to get this show on the road!!! The car ride was so surreal. It dawned on me that I was actually headed to the hospital TO HAVE A BABY, that I am going to be a Mom...and scarier yet, David will be a Dad! I kept thinking, "OHMYGOSH, this is all really happening!" As I was having this minor freak out, my mom just looked at me cooly and said, "You've had nine months to figure this out." Yes, I know mother. :) 

Unpacking the bookoos of luggage we brought!

We found our room, settled down, and began the admitting process. I was given my first pill at about 6:15. David and my Dad arrived shortly thereafter. 

Getting started! Before the IV's and monitors!

I received my a second pill at 8:15 and a third at about 2:00 a.m. This morning at about 9:00 Dr. Santiago stopped by to check on me. She said the medicine worked beautifully and that I was 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. They have now started the pitocen to keep my contractions regular. 

The best news we've heard this morning? THAT WE'LL MOST LIKELY HAVE A BABY SOMETIME THIS AFTERNOON! ;) Ohhh, we almost can't contain our excitement!!!

We'll keep y'all posted! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Is anyone familiar with Murphy's Murphree's Law? Haha! Well surprise, surprise...nothing had changed since my appointment on Wednesday.

 **Reader Beware**
You're about to learn waaay more about me than what you ever wanted to know! It seriously weirds me out to be talking about my cervix, dilation, labor, etc. with so many people out there...I mean come on, my brother, dad, grandpa, uncles, and in-laws are all out there reading this. Oh well, you've been warned. :)
After talking to my doctor, this is the game plan we've come up with:

Wednesday evening at 5:00 they will put me in the hospital to try what the doctor called "cervical ripening." They will give me a pill, wait about 3 hours, check to see if anything has changed, then give me another pill if needed. Dr. Santiago said that most women need about 3-4 doses of this medicine to get the desired results. On the flip side, she said some women can take up to 8 doses without anything happening. Looks like we are in for a LOOONG night y'all!

The point of doing this is to get me to dilate so they can go ahead and INDUCE labor. However if I am not dilating, they can stop the medicine to reevaluate where we are and how things are progressing.

The cervical ripening will be a long drawn out process, and if it works will be followed by an induction of labor...which is another long drawn out process. So, we are HOPING to have our sweet baby here by this weekend! It seems crazy to even be typing those words! :)

Some of you may be asking, "Why not just wait until your body is ready?"... Waiting for my body to go into labor on its own would mean that Walker would continue to grow and get larger. Since he is so large already, Dr. Santiago is worried about me delivering a baby that size. If we wait, a c-section is a real possibility.  

Thank you again for all your inquiries and PRAYERS! Please keep those coming! We (it may be David or my Mom) will try to keep you all posted in the days ahead!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I was really hoping to be writing this update from a hospital bed...but it just wasn't in the cards for us today! 

After brunch with friends this morning, Mom and I headed to the doctors office this afternoon! I was scheduled for an ultrasound then a checkup. Here's what we know: 

Walker had not been measured by ultrasound since 34 weeks. Back then our big boy was measuring 6lbs! So, this morning we decided to take bets on how much we thought Walker would weigh. Guesses were as follows: 

David: 8lbs 9oz
Mom: 8lbs 8oz
Me: 8lbs even (wishful thinking I guess, haha!)

According to the measurements taken this afternoon, Walker is weighing in at 8lbs 7oz! Mom wins that bet! :) The lady took a good look at Walker and said everything looked great (minus the obvious complication) and that he was measuring to be about a week ahead of schedule.

After the ultrasound, I saw my OB-GYN,  Dr. Patricia Santiago-Munoz. She checked me this afternoon and told me that I was dilated to a .... drum roll please .... ZERO! Yes, my doctor from Oklahoma City told me I was at a one a couple of weeks ago, but I guess thats why they always tell you to get second, and sometimes third opinions! 

Dr. Santiago explained that if she tried to induce me now there would be a about a 45% chance of having to deliver thru C-Section. I am trying to avoid this route at all possible. Once Walker is here, I want a fast recovery for myself so that I can be there to focus on him. 

 I have another sonogram and checkup on Monday at 8:00 a.m. to see if anything has changed. The good news is that Dr. Santiago said that I could still go into spontaneous labor at anytime!

So for now, there is just more waiting! We have heard the word "wait" so many times throughout this pregnancy, that I can't really say I am surprised! I had even joked about this very situation happening a time or two! Ohhh well, what can you do? For now, I am thankful that everything else looks good with our little man and that I have my dear Mama down here to keep me company!

Thank you all for the continued texts, cards, and PRAYERS! We promise to keep you updated! 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Well y'all...we ACTUALLY made it! 

After the crazy week the Leonards had, we were unsure if I would make it to Friday without going into labor. This week consisted of last minute errands, Christmas parties, family dinners, replacing my long term substitute, sweet goodbyes, packing, and even an emergency trip to the vet. Can I just say that I am so glad last week is over?

My Mom, David, and myself made it here to the Ronald McDonald House on Friday evening. We have unpacked, found our bearings, and are finally settled in for the long haul. The RMH is so nice and we could not be more thankful for this wonderful place to stay. The convenience to the hospital, security, and quiet atmosphere are invaluable to the families it serves. Just if you're curious, here is the link to the Ronald McDonald House where we're staying.

Now that we have finally arrived safely, I am so ready to get this show on the road!! I have my first doctors appointment on Wednesday if Walker hasn't made his appearance by then. Sooo...our next post will either be on Wednesday or because our little Leonard is on his way! :)

We would like to thank everyone for all the kind words, facebook messages, cards, thoughts, gifts, and mostly their PRAYERS during this difficult time. We don't know where we would be without such incredible friends and family. Walker is one blessed little guy! Specifically, please pray for safe travels for David as he heads back home to Duncan tomorrow evening! He will be back and forth on the weekends until Walker is here. 

Thank you for visiting...we'll keep you all updated! We are so excited to meet our baby boy!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10